Did you know that an ankle sprain, if proper treatment is not performed, can cause chronic instability?
Before addressing the subject, let's know some generalities:
- It is the most frequent injury in the...
Contact our international office for more information on how to be attended
Before addressing the subject, let's know some generalities:
Both chemotherapy and radiation therapy are cancer-fighting treatments. However, the recommendation...
Joint replacement surgery has as its main objective to relieve the pain of a severely injured joint...
In the Emergency Service of the Hospital Serena del Mar, we serve 24 hours a day, we provide a...
In our Hospital Serena del Mar, the Psychology service offers a comprehensive and personalized...
In our Hospital Serena del Mar, the Psychology service offers a comprehensive and personalized...
Find out about the advantages of laparoscopic surgery, with our doctor Carlos Cruz, surgery...
From the Hospital Serena del Mar, we advise you how to prepare for a marathon.
Listen to 5 tips that will help you to respectfully wean from the hand of our Dr. Laura Payares...